Hey Bud,

The world seems like itā€™s a battlefield right now, doesnā€™t it and it looks like itā€™s set to rage on?

So now, more than ever, if weā€™re going to personally and commercially succeedā€¦

It is critical thatā€¦

  • We have a clear goal-setting strategy
  • We sharpen our motivation and mindset
  • We get rightfully rewarded for the massive value we bring for ourselves and others

After all, as the truth reminds usā€¦

Here are the challenges we face...

  • Maybe we do not have a clear goal-setting strategy
  • Perhaps we allow the doom and gloom merchants to steal our dreams.


  • We don't always value our true worth

There is a better way, trust me, there is ā€¦

The Pathfinder Ultimate Success System

To celebrate my 23 years anniversary since being blown off a mountain and told I would never walk again (by the way since then, I fulfilled my mission to complete the New York Marathon) ā€“ and over these last 23 years Iā€™ve gathered my life long learnings of strategies, methods and knowledge in The Pathfinder, on how you and I canā€¦

Use the ā€˜Make Your Bedā€™ strategy to start your day positively

Ask yourself ā€˜The Reconnaissanceā€™ questions to find out your purpose

Use the ā€˜How Equals Whyā€™ formula to clearly identify your WHY

Transform your WHY into a clear purpose (only a handful of people I have met use this)

Use the ā€˜Wheel of Lifeā€™ map, to understand your true priorities in your life and in your business

Understand the perils of the Ostrich technique on goal setting and how to avoid it using the 10-Step Critical Checklist

Discover the SMARTA formula to smash your goals every time

Discover the cause vā€™s effectā€™ solution

PLUS: Simple, yet proven templates to keep you on track

ā€œFailing to plan is planning to failā€

And you can add to that:

 ā€œIf you donā€™t know where youā€™re going, all roads lead thereā€ 

And a host of other quotes that all amount to the same thing.

  • If you donā€™t PLAN your futureā€¦
  • If you donā€™t know what your goals areā€¦
  • If you donā€™t have a clear and vibrant vision for your futureā€¦


You have little control over where youā€™re going to end up 

What gives me great pleasureā€¦

When I share my success strategies with people like you, it's easier for you to achieve the success you justly deserve.

And remember, a significant amount of my business profits will be used to support my goal, which is to help one million veterans and their families at a purpose built centre to inspire, educate and motivate them to achieve the success they deserve

So - Navigate Your Way to Success

When you take control of your destiny, you are closer than you have ever been to creating a life of plenty, of freedom, of choice.


So, how do you even start?


The Pathfinder - Your Ultimate Success System provides a fantastic framework for your success.

Based on a combination of my business and specialist military training...

The Pathfinder - Your Ultimate Success System is a set of THREE CONTENT RICH PHYSICAL A4 WORKBOOKSā€¦ 


This sets you up for your new journey by providing a set of deep ā€˜Thought Provokersā€™. Reconnaissance has you looking hard at what you want, need and desire in your life. What have you been doing until now? How do you need to change that to move towards the success you deserve, so you can achieve incredible results from using the system.

Strategic Advance:

Hereā€™s where you dive deep into what makes you who you are, what defines your character, and what truly matters to you. This is where you break your ideas down, and build yourself up - you work out:

  • What you need to do
  • What you need to be and 
  • What you need to have to get them

So you can plot your route to get you to where you want to be.

Tail End Charlie:

This is where you wrap up the strongest ideas, so you can settle into a new way of thinking, and record them - every day - so you can clearly define what youā€™re doing and how itā€™s moving you forward.


Tail End Charlie also contains a complete year of journalling, including:

Weekly sheets, where you log the actions you need to take each day, and record your results

Four-weekly sheets, that round out your progress, measure your results, and let you set  new priorities

13-Weekly summaries, that mean you review and reflect on your progress every quarter

Itā€™s a complete system for analysing, setting, and then GETTING the great life you justly deserve - GUARANTEED!

What to do next?

Decide to join me on this journey.

Get your 3-Stage Programme 'The Pathfinder - Your Ultimate Success System' and join the elite ranks of those whoā€™ve realised the power of strategically setting out, establishing and achieving your goals.

Important Note:

When I deliver similar training in my Mastermind Group - the price is in excess of Ā£699 per person, per month!

Let's cut to the chase!

To immediately gain access to this incredible system, you get everything Iā€™ve described for just three payments of Ā£59.95, or a one-off payment of only Ā£149.00 (plus Ā£12.35 towards postage and packaging)

Money-Back Guarantee

If once you receive 'The Pathfinder - Your Ultimate Success System' and you decide it's not for you - as long as you haven't written inside it, send it back to me in the condition you received it, and I will refund everything you have paid - no questions, no quibbles - I can't say fairer than that, can I?



3 X Ā£59.95

plus Ā£12.35 towards P&P


1 x Ā£149

plus Ā£12.35 towards P&P

Saves Ā£30.85&P

Here's what Brigadier (Retā€™d) J A J Thomson OBE wrote about The PathFinder:

As many business owners already know there is no ā€˜Silver Bulletā€™ in business that will ensure success both in the immediate and in the long term. 

Joe in this series, draws the attention of the reader through a number of logical steps that seeks to ensure the reader understands the importance of ā€˜taking an actionā€™ to bring about an outcome instead of waiting for an outcome to present itself. It is not enough to simply own a copy of the programme.

In each of these stages Joe cuts through the white noise and emphasizes the importance of clarity right from the very first step. 

I highly recommend ā€˜The Pathfinderā€™ as a system that can clearly make a difference.

Brigadier (Retā€™d) J A J Thomson OBE QVRM TD MSc DL FInstLM rcds 

Here's what Peter Thomson 'The UK's Leading Strategist of Business and Personal Growth' wrote about The Pathfinder:

Throughout our lives you and I have met those whoā€™ve dealt with adversity. Weā€™ve been inspired by their stories. Our internal motivation has been triggered.  We wondered how they coped.

ā€œMotivation is an inside job, with outside consequencesā€

And then - thereā€™s Joe.

Not once, not twice, not even three life-changing events could stop this man.

Regardless what was thrown at him, or where he was thrown, (and who the hell wanted to test him so much) Joe got up after every fall. He rejected the bleak future predicted by those who cared so much for him and those who should have known. 

He fought, he focused, he found the path to a life fulfilled. Enjoying serving others whilst creating a business and life of choice for himself and his family. 

Now, after years proving (beyond any doubt) that his methods work in the real world, heā€™s sharing the why, the what and most importantly - the how to succeed. 

You are holding in your hands (physically or virtually) the route map to any goal you decide to accomplish. The plans, the mindset, the resilience needed - are all within these pages.

Grab them with both hands and the strength of your mind - and take that first step on your path. Joe will walk with you every step of the way. Heā€™s here. Letā€™s go!

Read Joe's Story:

Here's a little bit about my story and what led me to helping Veterans in business and supporter of Veterans with health, wealth, and more importantly mind-set strategies.

It all started in October 1999 when we were out on a non-stop special services selection weekend. The weather was horrendous.  

We were in a gale force winds like you wouldn't believe.  

I meanā€¦ 

I'm talking a 70 to 80 miles per hour wind, gusting to 90! 

We were blown over by the wind countless times because it was so strong, and we were tossed about like confetti.  

To add to the challenge, we were carrying 70lbs on our backs, which gives you an idea of how strong the wind was.  

We were even leaning into the wind to stay on our feet; it was pitch black and we couldn't see a thing.  

The lead man was following sheep tracks, instead of just following the compass bearing. I thought most people know sheep are stupid. Right?  

The reason I say that, apart from sheep not being that intelligent anyway, is they usually create the sheep tracks towards the mountains edge.  

So, weā€™re going along blissfully unaware of the drop to my right.  

It was thenā€¦ 

A gust of wind hit me lifted me off my feet and threw me down the mountain's ravine some 400 feet below, I even bounced a few times on the way down for effect.  

It was at the foot of that ravine I finally came to rest.  

Dazed, I thought to myself ā€œouch that hurt.ā€  

I remember sounding like Darth Vader breathing through my gortex jacket hood, which had slipped over my face 

I was there for an hour and a half alone and I couldn't move.  

My darkest thoughts were ā€œI think I might die hereā€  

And then, I remembered all my survival training and I thought no, I'm not ready to die.

Things go through your mind when you're at the sharp end, don't they? My emotions welled up as I thought, ā€œIā€™ve got my got my son at home, my wife is pregnant with our second son. I must be there for themā€

I had to remind myself to keep active. After all I was a Physical Training Instructor in the Armed Forces! 

All I thought was, I must keep focused to get myself out of this. I was thinking, right, what am I going to do on Monday? Plus I have the New York Marathon to run in seven days time.  

As you can probably imagine, the directive staff at HQ were frantic. The duty ops officer on the night called in the helicopter that saved my life, and it was shortly after that I heard the RAF helicopter rotors as it hovered above and got me out of there pronto.

Unfortunately, I never got to thank the Medic who administered the life-saving treatment while I lay motionless on the mountain side, because he was killed in action soon afterwards. 

I then discovered the results of the MRI scan which determined I had shattered multiple vertebrae in my neck. And then I thought ā€œah, right, thatā€™s me I'm paralysed.ā€ 

Yeah, that was it! 

That's me, Joe.  

It was through my successful rehabilitation, against incredible oddsā€¦ 

I learned even more about how the body performs under duress and more importantly how the mind performs under pressure. 


And what I discovered was itā€™s all about mindset.  

The Pathfinder is my lifelong blueprint of my tried, tested and proven ideas, processes, and strategies on how we can overcome adversity and smash our goals time and time again. 

Until next timeā€¦ 

Have a brilliant day #HABD 


Joe Oā€™Connor 

Contact Details:

Sovereign House, Chester Road, Tarporley, CW6 9ER

[email protected]


01829 760070